Vi samarbetar med Pretopia bildbank där du hittar ett urval av bilder, de flesta högupplösta. Du kan även hitta fler bilder i vår pressmapp på Google Drive. Tveka inte att höra av dig om du har frågor om produkterna eller vårt företag, catharina@thefriendlyhome.se
- Bildbank Pretopia: vår sida
- Fler bilder: Google Drive
We collaborate with Pretopia image bank where you will find a selection of images, most of them high resolution. You can also find more images in our press folder on Google Drive. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have questions about the products or our company, catharina@thefriendlyhome.se
- Image bank Pretopia: our page
- Press images The Friendly Home: Google Drive
Media "about us" The Friendly Home
- Neck Värmdö Posten, 2023, Article
- Bodil's Branding Pod, 2023, Listen
- 8 Female Fragrance Entrepreneurs, Beauty Editors, 2023 Article
- Branding You, Bodil Bergman Hughes, 2023 Post
- Interview Värmdö Business Association, 2022 Article
- What would the home be without light. Enterprize Magazine, 2020, Article
- Interview Skärgårdsradion Hem&Villa fair, 2015 Listen
- Send a lightogram to loved ones. Enterprize Magazine, 2014, Article
- Nominated "Start Your Own Magazine", 2014,Article